Profile Vanessa Tan 19 on 19 Oct. Currently studying Law in TP. Loves sports and I'm a musically declined person. I can be nice if I want to. =) PLUS I decided to have another blog because I need a place to rant about shitty happenings AND of course because i'm bored. Hoho. I"LL LIKE TO HAVE- Click here if you want to leave. Chats JUST SAY HELLO TAG!
LINKS Sherlene Dharmirah Lois Wardah Melvin Aishah Bell Nicole Shaf Sharp Brenda Veronica Geraldine Pamela Valencia Valerie Tough Memories May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 Credits Designer ![]() X X X X |
Monday, July 28, 2008 @ 7/28/2008 11:22:00 AM
Family Day Went cycling with my family ytd. My butt hurts like some crazy shit. How the hell did those pro-cyclist survive? Crap. I'm late for school. ![]() My self taking technique is like so good. I got 4 of us in the picture perfectly on the first try. I so love my family. =) Thursday, July 24, 2008 @ 7/24/2008 06:44:00 PM
Rubbish post I just thought I should update my blog after about a decade of not bothering about it? Nth much going on in my life other den projects and school. Anyway. Went to the Indonesian massage at Frankel Ave the other day with my aunts and mom. I think my veins are super tangled with and my muscles are all too tense up, the massage felt painful. Lol. Like I think she used alot of energy. Lol. But it's quite a nice place. Nice ambience. Some Pictures.
After that we went to sakae's sushi to eat teppanyaki. Niceeeeeee. Oh man. I'm hungry again. Okay. This post is like super random. I'm just going to put whatever small lil things that happened last week all together. Went running ytd. Like what Shaf said. Mentally and body no kick, but ankles and knees got the kick. Lol. My ankles are killing me man. We finished 2 rounds of the reservoir and I'm alive! Happy. Wth? Whatever. End of post. I have a boring life. Wednesday, July 16, 2008 @ 7/16/2008 09:13:00 PM
I ALMOST DIED Omg. I had a near-death experience today. Okay. Maybe not near DEATH. But somewhere there. I went running with Shaf and Sharp at bedok reservoir just now. After I finished running, I blacked out, so I had to squat down. The moment I got up, I black out again. So I squat, stand. Squat, stand, stand, walk, squat, stand and squat again. Then Sharp supported me over to the bench (omg. I so sound like a old woman). On my way over to the bench, everything turned white. Like super bright light. I thought I was going to heaven. So scary. Cause I'm having flu and there were a few cases of sick ppl running and den collapsing. I sweat like some fountain. Never in my life (i think) have I ever sweat so much before. Furthermore I was having gastric. Plus today's running speed was crazy. Damn fast. Thats e speed you get when you run with the fittest girl in law. Lol. BUT Mr Shaf is the nicest. He's damn nice. Really. When I was blacking out and felt like vomiting, he rushed over to get money and den to dont know where to buy water for me. And then he had to rush back to the bench at e reservoir. Wah. I was extremely touched. Plus he kept asking me if I'm okay and waited for me after bathing, and me being a slowpoke, I made him wait damn long. Sorry. Heh. I asked him what if I faint again. He said if he cant get me up, he'll call 995. -__-', even if I faint at the staircase. But he's very nice la. THANK YOU ah. Thank you! Crappy. Have to go to school tmr for stupid mbs. Hate it. During mbs tutorial ytd, I was camwhoring with Wardah.---> model student of law. She's one of e kindest girl I know of so far. ![]() WARDAH!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() For I am like THIS!!! TOTALLY RANDOM:
I like irritating my brother when he's using the computer. =) Byeee. Saturday, July 12, 2008 @ 7/12/2008 06:28:00 PM
Emo post. Saw this girl I know ytd and was very surprised to see her with a guy whos most probably her boyfriend. Surprised as in it didnt occur to me that she'll have a bf. Im not saying that I'm damn good looking or anything but she's not exactly the best looker but neither is she ugly. But it kinda make me think alot. Like the fact that I'm single, is it because I'm that undeserving of having someone who likes me as much as I do like tt person? Or am I lacking in something? Or something about me just sucks? It just makes me feel empty and a lil inferior and a tinge of envy when I see couples. Not jealous. Just envious and sad. Why? Whats wrong with me? Am I that bad?? Anyway, there was some event ytd and I participated for the first time as a business ambassador. But I only appeared on the stage for like 5 minutes and I was gone. Wear the full formal suit and make up for 5 minutes. Before that Dhar and I were slacking back stage talking crap, discussing about what to do on my birthday and when can we club and stuffs. Until the point where we didnt have any else to chat about, we played scissors paper stone. We were practically scissors paper and STONING. Our good old president Lois goh made us reach school at 12.30 when the event starts at 3. -_-' After that, we went sports complex to just slack around and saw Brenda and Christine. So talk crap. Also saw the db girls. Missed all of them. Like all 6 of them are back there and I'm not. It feels weird to be left out and I feel like a little outcasted. I don't know what are the current happenings and I guessed its because i've been away for too long. But db's too taxing and I alrdy have other commitments. I know that they welcome me back. But I have other issues going on. I really hope to meet up with them soon. Took with Wing Yan. MY best bud in db. But I dont think I am hers. Watched volleyball competition after that. TP rocks man. I have to blog about this volleyball player from nanyang poly guy's team. That guy, he's damn funny. He looks like he's in his late thirties or early forties. BUT he's still playing for the team. WTH? He's a lil plump and the main thing is that he acts like he's damn good! So anyway, he didnt get to play for the first 1 1/2 game of the match and in the middle of the first game, nanyang's coach ask for a time-out and he cheered the loudest and when time's up, I thought 'ooh, maybe I can get to see his skill'. So he walked towards the court and back to his position - at the side of the court. LOL. Also, he was the only one who did stretchings and e only one who drank water. Like he worked out alot. Towards the end of the 2nd game, finally he get to sub his team mate and SUPER enthusiastically went in. OH MY GOD. He was so enthu while waiting for the serve, his get-ready actions was damn comical. Like a crab and chimpanzee combined. But he didnt get to touch the ball at all cause tp won the second game and by the 3rd game, he was sub out alrdy. HAHA. Funny guy. I'm just a girl who's all alone. Wednesday, July 2, 2008 @ 7/02/2008 11:10:00 PM
Hated Okay. I officially hate half my class. I hate that group of ppl who can't wait to rush out of the class the moment the teacher says 'that's all for..' like their gold bars at home are going to be stolen. Honestly, I'm not the helpful kind. Seriously, unless you're my good friend, I won't help you in any way. I swear. The only way I will actually help ppl around me is like when it's to my advantage. So anyway, I volunteered to print for everyone the peer teaching notes. Nobody said they don't want and majority of the class said they want it. SOOO, fucking cheebye half the class didn't turn up. I printed 20 set of notes, I paid for everything. So wtf am I supposed to do with the unclaimed notes? So I called the first one. Guess what he said. Me: Where are you? Him: I'm on the bus alrdy leh. Me: So wth am I supposed to do with the notes you wanted? Him: Can you pass me on Monday? Me: The test is on monday and you want me to pass it you on Monday? Him: Er. Then tmr can pass it to me? Me: I won't be seeing you tmr. Whatever la. Second one. Even better. Me: Where are you? How abt the notes? She: Huh.. I'm REACHING home alrdy leh. Me: Then the notes how? She: You print alrdy ah. I don't even want it leh. Me: Just now I ask you whether you want the notes and to wait for me at Ilaw to collect the notes. You said okay. She: Got meh? I can't wait that long lah.(for the notes) I was like wtf la. I'm the one who collate all the notes and I'm the one who walked to lib's Eazi printing and because the queue was long, I walked to the engine school because I was afraid that ppl will have to wait too long to get e notes, fearing that they might be in a rush to go off. They are not the ones who have to do the shit job AND they complain they have to wait. Fucking hate these ungrateful assholes. I believe in karma. Like what Wardah says. Anyway, it taught me never to be helpful. But luckily there's all my other classmates who helped me. Nice peeps. =) Super pissed with the assholes. Fuckers. Nabeh. I need to go run. Tuesday, July 1, 2008 @ 7/01/2008 11:31:00 AM
BORED Im in com lab doing nothing, challenging my teacher to lock my computer. Hoho. Boring... |