Profile Vanessa Tan 19 on 19 Oct. Currently studying Law in TP. Loves sports and I'm a musically declined person. I can be nice if I want to. =) PLUS I decided to have another blog because I need a place to rant about shitty happenings AND of course because i'm bored. Hoho. I"LL LIKE TO HAVE- Click here if you want to leave. Chats JUST SAY HELLO TAG!
LINKS Sherlene Dharmirah Lois Wardah Melvin Aishah Bell Nicole Shaf Sharp Brenda Veronica Geraldine Pamela Valencia Valerie Tough Memories May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 Credits Designer ![]() X X X X |
Sunday, August 31, 2008 @ 8/31/2008 06:03:00 PM
Clubbing's the BOMB Went fierce angel party with babe Wing Yan and Amirul and his gf. She's super nice to hang out and go crazy with even though its the first time I meet her. Lol. So anyway, Arrived there at 9plus and had 2 complimentary drinks. It was more like a bar anyway. Lol.
Got free drinks. Haha. Super fun la. Was damn high also. Thanks for going with me ppl. Love you. Lets go again another day. And Thanks sam. ILOVEYOU. Haha. I'm starting work at Citibank tmr. Damn fast la. Hopefully the ppl there are nice. =) Update about the place soon. Cya. Saturday, August 30, 2008 @ 8/30/2008 12:16:00 AM
Fucked Up. I won passes to hacienda at dempsy's fierce angel party. Coolness. Wow. Yea. Fucking great. I'm short of fucking month to 18. What the fuck difference does 1 month make man. My friend even told me october november december babies are weaker cause they are born during the winter and thus they'll die earlier. Oooh. SPLENDID. On top of that. My cousin who at first agreed to accompany me go just pang seh me for the number.. Oh crap I lost count. Shiat. I need a calculator SOMEBODY! She agreed to go with me and last minute changed her mind. Happiness. Fuck it. Dhar's friend asked her to go out first so she cant go with me. So I asked Wingyan and she's going with me but I need to find an ic but Calynn needs her ic for some handphone plan thingy. Its hols already and I'm supposed to feel relax but I'm damn pissed off at the whole damn world. I have free passes and ppl just had to go with me but they cant and they dont want to. I cant ask my secondary school friends because 90% of them are in JC and their A's are coming soon. It's fine. Im just going to take this hols to so change myself and by the end of my hols its my birthday and I dont need to beg ppl to go with me already. I'm going to change so much, ppl are going to beg me to go clubbing with them. Not me. I'm so fucking fucked up frustrated I can cry. Give me a boyfriend please. Wednesday, August 27, 2008 @ 8/27/2008 06:46:00 PM
2 down 2 to go. Accountings was alright. So I think. But I won't know how I did. Its like 60%. Hopefully it'll help pull up my demoralizing coursework grade. Tmr's Mbs. I LOVE you mbs so please don't kill me. PS: I just thought of something Micheal Phelps can't do. He can't flag a cab with his arms fully stretched out like we normal ppl can. Well, his stretched out super long arm have a high chance of being knock off by a lorry. He's still hot though. My mom say if I continued competitive training I might be able to represent olympics. Lol. But she's happy I didnt. Ahh. Mothers are contridicting. Don't know what they want. I Love my mom. I'm a mummy's girl. Saturday, August 23, 2008 @ 8/23/2008 01:08:00 PM
Exhausted Exams are fucking killing me. I keep trying to memorise but its just not getting in my head. Once I manage to remember sth, den i'll forget what I remembered before. I have damn little sleep and my head hurts like fuck. Oh man. 6 more days to the end of exams. How am I supposed to tolerate it for another week? I cant even take it for another day. Hols please come quickly. MBS is murdering me. I HATE MBS. Someone, helpppppppp me. Wednesday, August 6, 2008 @ 8/06/2008 11:58:00 AM
Horrendous Bus Ride I'm here to complain and to mock at ppl again. Lol. As usual. The day before ytd, I went with Lois to Arab St and on my way there in the bus was the second smelliest bus ride I've taken in my life. First was this Indian woman who brought ginger and coconut oil or something. I was alrdy feeling very nauseous because the bloody bus driver was jerking non-stop. I even had to get down from the bus to vomit. That was how bad. ANYWAY, thats not the point. The point is, I was sitting behind this 50+ 6o yrs old man who like probably didnt bathe for 5 years? Guess what he smell like? LIKE PIG LIVER. And his hair was like soaked with urination or something. Damn wet and disgusting. Wah siao. StinkO to the max! Since the bus was damn packed, I thought like since I had a seat, I should be contented right. After 3 stops, I really cannot take it. So I squeezed my way through to stand instead. Right choice? Not. So I stood there even though my stop was damn far away. I was listening to my mp3, stoning as usual, standing in front of the pole. Suddenly I saw a arm reach out for a part of the pole that was above me. Meaning the armpit of that person was somewhere near me too. Then I took like 2 steps away and that was when a familiar smell came. OMG! StinkO man! Shocked, I took like 24573547563 steps away and that was when I almost fell. Luckily I grabbed some other pole. But my pose was like some kungfu squatting move. Damn embarrassing!!! I saw a secondary school friend and I was trying to like avoid his eye so I dont need to say hi (troublesome). Wah thanks. After that, I caught EVERYBODY'S eye. Sadness. Sigh. Went with Lois to Arab Street and after a damn long time I managed to get something. Not exactly what I was looking for but thats the best I could find. The accessories there quite nice. But its quite pricey. Not very worth. (I wanna go Bangkok!!!!) Apparently this girl tried to persuade me not to go for accountings lec. But it didnt work! HAHA. We went eventually. After we went to bugis street to find the shop Lois was looking for but to no avail. Most probably we'll be going there on sat again. Lois with his Ahma-ish specs she loves. She says its a bridge between her and the elderly. omg. I give up. Ytd was damn crazy. With all the fam law work, I'm going crazy! There's fam law consultation later somemore. Dhar and I wore the same t-shirt on purpose. Duh. And got everybody's attention. Haha. We bought it last year but I was lazy to get the t-shirt out of the cupboard. Lol. I'm a VIP. Har Dee Har Har. BYe. Got to get ready for school. 3 more days to National Day! Sunday, August 3, 2008 @ 8/03/2008 11:44:00 PM
A Post Actually I dont really have much to blog about since nothing much is happening. But I'm just going to talk cock about how boring my life have been so far. I'm dreading fam law cos it's driving me nuts and wendy yu has e power of making me breathless whenever she walks near my group during tutorial. Had captain's ball competition on friday and fell once only but my ass hurts like hell until now. It ended at like 9pm. Wth. I screamed and cursed at this guy who pushed me and after the game he came to apologise to me. Sigh. I feel like I'm a real mean bitch man. Like super unreasonable. Crap. (Hello! I'm not angry anymore. I'm just a very hot-tempered person! =) -> to that guy if he happens to come across my blog which I highly doubt he would.) Went home with Dhar and was rubbish-ing all the way.
Hmm. What else? National day is coming? = My brother's birthday is coming = Presents = $$ flying away. I have yet to buy his presents. Im so busy and I still need to bother about random stuffs like that. I cant wait for national day bbq and my aunt's house. I'm not sure if its bbq. Hopefully it is. I know it has no link but I'm just looking forward to that. I need to rush down to arab street tmr to get some materials for my bloody mask and my good friend Dhamirah!!! ps me. you are so gonna get it from me! Lol. But luckily Lois is accompanying me there. She takes u-art too. So maybe she can get some materials too. Umm. I didnt even remember taking this picture with Brenda. Lol. The chop of promise. When you hook your pinkies which signify promise, must chop your 2 thumbs together den is considered official. LOL. I dont know what I'm talking about. Something I blabbered during MBS. Cant blame me. I get all nonsensey when I'm sleepy but I cant sleep. Durian season is transmitting its stinkiness to all the air around me. |